Apartment Riverside (sleeps 4)

Apartment Prater (sleeps 4)

Apartment Nestroy (sleeps 7)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Before - After

Today I have to make a posting to ease myself, to calm down. Since days and hours already I keep the mantra saying: keep cool and carry on.

But I carried on already weeks and now: enough is enough. That's the last straw.
What I'm talking about?
Builders!!! Did you ever experience builders on time? Mine has the oddest excusions and keeps me waiting and waiting ..... but the thing is: he is so gooooood AND has a gooood price.
Somehow I feel blackmailed.

But on the other hand, if the builders are finished and the work is done, isn't that the best feeling apart from ...... well, it's your choice!

So let me show you the before/after pics of bluedanube apartments:

The previous kitchen has become the master bedroom
The previous bedroom has become the living room
and finally we transferred the old bathroom into a friendly
and immaculate clean showerroom

That's what builders are for, but until you get there ........ OMG what a hell!

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