Apartment Riverside (sleeps 4)

Apartment Prater (sleeps 4)

Apartment Nestroy (sleeps 7)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thank you!

Dear Readers!

With this post we just would love to say


This May was the first month we've registered 1000 interested readers on our Blog!

This blog is online since more than one year, with the extensive posting started in September only!

We will continue to find interesting bits, funny trivia and unimportant stories about Vienna and Austria.
It is in our interest to inform as much as we can to make your stay in Vienna memorable or to prepare you for a journey to the former Habsburg Dynasty.

And sometimes there may be posts just to share our happiness about the little things in life!
Whatever reason for your visit to our blog, we hope you'll leave enriched with information. 

Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others

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