Apartment Riverside (sleeps 4)

Apartment Prater (sleeps 4)

Apartment Nestroy (sleeps 7)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The dream of iceskating

After more than 2 weeks with crisp cold average temps -10C in vienna, you can imagine how wonderful ice skating on a lake will be.

The "sea" of Vienna, the Neusiedlersee, 60km away from vienna, is a stunning place to wrap up in winter, take out your skates and explore the sheer endless sea.

If you prefer to stay in Vienna city and do not want to miss out for iceskating you have an even more stunning alternative

Ice skating between the heritage buildings of our former emperors is a unique experience.
And the topping of the ice (!!!) is that the rink is not a squared or oval one, as almost every ice rink in the world, BUT you have little narrow alleys whilst skating through a wonderful park.

Watch this to get a glimpse of that unique experience! AND hurry up, as it closes in a couple of days, on the 4 of March!!!!
Opening times: 9am to 10pm - 6€ - no time slots - skate as long as you're feet are not frozen !!!!

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