Apartment Riverside (sleeps 4)

Apartment Prater (sleeps 4)

Apartment Nestroy (sleeps 7)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fasching is Karneval is Fastnacht is Carneval ... the finale!

Ok, now whatever wording you wanna take, it all means the same.
But FASCHING is the Viennese correct term. 

The word Fasching dated back to the 13th century when the words vaschanc and vaschang were used in German language. It seems to derive from „Fastenschank“, meaning the last (alcoholic) serving before the start of lent.

So here we are: tradition has it that today you may have seen some nice "Faschingsumzüge" (carneval processions) alongside the streets. You may also have noticed that in some shops people were costumed, eating "Faschingskrapfen" (see previous post) and drinking bubbly wine!

And whenever you are in Germany during that time, you'll notice that the Krauts are able to celebrate even more jolly and wild this last day of Karneval!

And when in the German centre of Carneval, in Mainz, people say "Helau" as the traditional greeting, in southern Austria, in Carinthia, you'll hear a "Lei, Lei" tonight!

Having said this:

Lei, lei and good bye!


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